Friday, October 2, 2015

My favorite month!

Ah yes, life has settled down a bit for me. October is my favorite month so this is perfect timing. :) Since the horses are back on day turnout and I work 7-4 at my full time job, I'm not helping turnout at Digby's barn. I'm also not pet sitting at the moment. I went from working legitimately every hour of the day, minus my hour lunch break, to having almost every night off. It's a magical thing. I've been wildly productive since I'm not used to having down time.

Old Digby photo, maybe 2012?

It's been great to get some stuff done! I've been trying to ride more and I've been catching up on some of my blog reading. I've got some posts to write about, well, what's been happening, some stuff I've bought lately (and not so lately), and how the rides have been going. Stay tuned, Digby lovers! News is on the way!

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